But in addition to these extraordinary levies there were many permanent sources of revenue for the support of the Papal Court. 除了这些特别税外,教廷还有许多固定收入的保障。
Besides the influence of above factors, the reason that lead the extraordinary highness of the first day revenue of the IPOs also lies on the entirely economic circumstance. 我国新股发行首日收益率远远高于国外成熟股票市场上的新股发行首日收益率,除了这些可以量化因素的影响外,其主要原因也在于我国自身特有的经济发展的整体环境。
Firstly, non-tax revenue scale has expanded swiftly, growing faster than the speed of local economic development. When bearing the tax pressure, local citizens have to take pressure in the extraordinary non-tax revenue growth. 首先是非税收入规模膨胀过快,增长速度超过了地方经济发展速度,本地公民在承担税负压力之外还得承担超常增长的非税收入压力。